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Showing 37–72 of 176 results


  • Conversational Leadership

    In this course, you will learn about the fundamental elements of meaningful conversations, the four-I model of organizational conversation, the conversational leadership framework, and the World Caf model. All of these tools will help you become a conversational leader and build stronger teams in your workplace.
  • Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance

    In this course, you will learn about the Shared Management Model, which helps the manager transfer motivation and responsibility for results to the employee. This course will cover all three phases of the model: preparing the employee for the job, motivating them to do it, and evaluating their performance.
  • The ABCs Of Supervising Others

    This course will help you overcome many of the problems that you will encounter as a workplace leader. Topics include transitioning to a supervisory role, attitudes to cultivate, setting goals, personal productivity, communication skills, feedback techniques, conflict resolution, managing difficult conversations, and establishing credibility.
  • Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

    This course will take you through the hiring process from start to finish, including cost analysis, position profiles, finding candidates, screening resumes, testing candidates, interviewing (including different types of questions), evaluating responses, and reference checks. You will also learn about some of the problems commonly encountered in the hiring process and how to overcome them.
  • Accounting Skills for New Supervisors

    In course, you will learn the basics of accounting, including financial terms, generally accepted accounting principles, the accounting cycle, key financial reports, financial analysis tools, and budgeting.
  • Public Relations Boot Camp

    In this course, you will learn how to determine the type of information required in a particular situation, ways to approach PR strategically, how to create compelling releases, and techniques for managing media relations.
  • Transgender Employees: Creating an Inclusive Work Community

    In this course, you are going to learn about the importance and elements of safe inclusive workspaces for transgendered persons those identifying as one gender but born into the body of the opposing gender. You will consider terminology, elements, policies, and resources to build and sustain a safe, inclusive environment for transgendered employees and increase the comfort level and productivity off all in your organization.
  • Intermediate Project Management

    In this course, you will focus on the last three stages of the project life cycle: planning, execution, and termination. This includes identifying tasks and resources; using scheduling techniques like the work breakdown structure, Gantt charts, and network diagrams; preparing a budget; executing a project; and controlling changes.
  • Managing Across Cultures

    During this course you will learn about cultures and how to integrate them into the workforce through effective communication and team building. In addition, you are going to be shown ways managing over a cross-cultural spectrum and building a multicultural organization by dipping into the global talent pool.
  • Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to communicate effectively over the telephone, develop your personal telemarketing script, and close a sale. Youll also learn how telemarketing can add to your sales strategy.
  • Getting Your Job Search Started

    In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job.
  • Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming

    This introductory course will teach the basics of neuro linguistic programming (NLP). Youll learn about key terms, the NLP presuppositions, the NLP senses, eye cues, enriched language, clean questions, and hypnotic language.
  • Stress Management

    This course will teach you some different ways to look at stress, ways to take care of yourself to reduce the stress that you feel, and coping techniques. You will also learn some time management and organizational tips to help you work smarter.
  • Becoming a Progressive Employer: Setting Trends Instead of Following Them

    In this course, you will gain an understanding of what being progressive means, and then take time to truly examine this concept through activities and discussion. You will look at the process involved in going from the status quo to being progressive, along with how to develop or enhance a progressive mindset and innovative ideas. The last part of the course involves understanding the importance of a succession plan to a progressive organization.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    In this course you will learn about supply chains and logistics, various integration models, supply chain flows, who is who in a supply chain, as well as drivers and ways to optimize them. You will also gain an insight on other crucial points such as aligning your business and supply chain strategies, how to get the most out of your data, how to troubleshoot any problems that crop up and ways to develop your supply chain.
  • Being a Team Player

    Teamwork is essential in any organization, and strongly influences whether a venture succeeds or fails. Participants will learn what characteristics are common to team players, how to demonstrate to others that you are a good team player, types of teams and which ones are vital to every workplace, reasons teams fail, and strategies to ensure success. Other courses that may be of interest are Creating a Positive Work Environment, Making Your Business Better, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Team Building- Developing High Performance Teams, and Communication Strategies.
  • Building Relationships for Success in Sales

    This course will teach you how to leverage customer-focused selling, identify what influences relationships, expand your communication skills, manage your body language, develop a professional handshake, and grow your network.
  • Story Marketing for Small Businesses

    This course covers the essential elements of a story marketing campaign, from a review of company message and brand, to the elements of good storytelling. The course leads participants through the steps of creating a marketing story knowing your company, knowing and connecting with customers, and the story writing and editing process. This creates a clear and engaging path that will lead customers to your products and services and encourage them to respond to your call to action.
  • Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills

    In this course, you will explore what self-esteem is and where low self-esteem comes from. You will also learn ways to build your self-esteem, get what you want, and make others feel better about themselves.
  • Giving Effective Feedback

    In this course, you will learn about the essential elements of feedback, important communication techniques, and a framework for informal and formal feedback. Youll also learn some tips for receiving feedback.
  • Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale

    In this course, you will learn how to overcome objections, identify buying signals, and close the sale. You will also learn supporting skills, like building credibility, being observant, and communicating well.
  • Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer

    To begin, you will explore the trainers role and what skills and competencies trainers should have. Then you will learn about the learning process and different learning styles, and apply that knowledge to designing programs and motivating learners. You will also learn ways to manage the stress of training, plan a workshop, and lead a training session. Then, you will learn techniques for dealing with difficult participants, evaluating learning, and conducting on-the-job follow-up. Alternative training methods, such as eLearning, co-facilitation, and team teaching will also be covered.
  • Business Succession Planning: Developing and Maintaining a Succession Plan

    This course will teach you how to develop and maintain a succession plan with the SUCCESS model, which includes developing a system, identifying resources, creating risk assessments, developing action plans, implementing those plans, and evaluating the results.
  • Managing Difficult Conversations

    This course will give you an eight-step process for a difficult conversation, as well as some things to consider when deciding to have the conversation (such as your desired outcome, the time and place, and how to stay safe). Youll also learn how to speak persuasively, ask good questions, and listen actively.
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to interpret personal space, gestures, facial expressions, body movements, and posture. Youll also learn how to send the right message with body language, dress, and personal interactions.
  • Mobbing in the Workplace

    After this course, you will be able to identify mobbing and how it differs from individual bullying, know why and how it occurs, know how it impacts the person targeted and the organization, know what actions to take if you are being mobbed, know how to avoid targeting someone, and know what action to take as an organization to stop mobbing before it starts
  • Managing the Virtual Workplace

    This course will teach managers and supervisors how to prepare employees for the virtual workplace, create telework programs, build virtual teams, leverage technology, and overcome cultural barriers.
  • Building Better Teams

    After you complete this course, you will be able to understand the value of working as a team, develop team norms, ground rules, and team contracts ,identify your team player style and how it can be used effectively with your own team, build team trust, identify the stages of team development and how to help a team move through them, recognize the critical role communication skills will play in building and maintaining a team atmosphere, and identify ways that team members can be involved and grow in a team setting.
  • Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills

    At the end of this course you will understand a brief history and evolution of women and leadership. You will recognize leadership barriers, how to handle them, and use them to create benefits. You will know about social and emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. You will be able to develop a basic vision and brand for your leadership and understand essential leadership skills. You will also examine decision making and create a workplace philosophy statement and action plan.
  • GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan

    After completion of this course, you should be able to explain what a data privacy plan will include, know the important terminology and legislation regarding data privacy, map the flow of data in an organization visually, understand and write an information request procedure, develop an internal data handling procedure, understand and write a data security policy, understand and write a personal data protection policy, adapt your current client privacy policy, develop a data breach procedure, decide on training solutions for data privacy, know the other necessary pieces of the data privacy plan and help your organization write, implement, and review a data privacy plan.
  • Delegation: The Art Of Delegating Effectively

    This course will teach you how delegation can make you more successful, ways that you can delegate, techniques for giving instructions, how to monitor delegation results, and how to give good feedback. You will also learn an eight-step delegation process that you can customize for any situation.
  • Emotional Intelligence

    This course will introduce you to the history of emotional intelligence and what its all about. Youll explore the most popular theories, including the EI blueprint, Martin Seligmans ABCs of optimism, the VALUE and SOLER techniques, Ekmans seven basic emotions, and Plutchiks wheel. Youll also explore your personal values and vision statement to help guide you in your emotional intelligence development.
  • Generation Gap: Closing the Gap in the Workplace

    During this course, you will consider whether defining the actual limits of each generation is most important, or whether the merits of people within the context of employment is the bigger issue. You will learn about the various types of generations and how human resource practices can bridge the gap.
  • Mastering The Interview

    In this course, you will learn how to prepare for and participate in a job interview. Well share the types of questions to expect, as well as the questions that you should think about asking. You will also learn how to prepare for second interviews, testing, and shadowing, as well as how to follow up after an interview.
  • Working Smarter: Using Technology to Your Advantage

    In this course, youll learn how to use technology to your advantage. Computers, various types of applications, software purchases, technical training, IT budgets, security, privacy, usage policies, ergonomics, instant messaging, and telecommuting are all covered.